Reflexology Massage

Revitalize your body and mind with our specialized Reflexology Massage.

Reflexology Massage
Restore Your Body's Balance with Reflexology Massage at Pristine Spas

Revitalize your body and mind with our specialized Reflexology Massage." Detailed Service Snippet Description: Reflexology Massage at Pristine Spas is a unique therapy involving applying pressure to specific points on the feet and hands corresponding to different organs and body systems. This therapy promotes relaxation, improves circulation, reduces pain, and encourages healing.

What are the Pros of Reflexology Massage?

Reflexology Massage can promote relaxation, improve circulation, reduce stress, relieve body pains, and stimulate internal organ function.

What are the cons of Reflexology Massage?

Reflexology Massage may not be suitable for people with certain health conditions, including foot ulcers, circulatory disorders, gout, or certain types of infections.

What is the difference between Reflexology Massage and other massages?

Unlike other massages that target the muscles, Reflexology Massage focuses on the reflex points on the feet and hands, stimulating the body's own healing mechanisms.

How much does the Reflexology Massage cost?

The cost of a Reflexology Massage can vary. Please get in touch with us directly for a specific quote.

Are there any side effects related to the Reflexology Massage?

Reflexology is generally considered safe. However, some people may experience temporary feelings of lightheadedness, emotional sensitivity, or tiredness after the treatment.

Can Reflexology Massage help with pain management?

Yes, many people find that Reflexology Massage can help reduce pain, especially related to headaches, migraines, neck pain, and lower back pain.